F.A.I.C. Volunteer Fire Department is a 100% volunteer department in McIntosh County Oklahoma. We are striving to improve our department to better serve our community in the most professional manner possible. We not only fight structure, grass, and wildland fires, but we also respond to medical assistance calls and participate in community events. With over 100 square miles and all of Lake Eufaula State Park in our fire district there is always something to do and ways to be involved.
What does FAIC stand for? Fountainhead Area Improvement Council, Inc.

F.A.I.C. Volunteer Fire Department
Areas We Serve in Oklahoma:
Brush Hill Village
Scodiac Point
Harbor Point
Sycamore Bay
Lake Eufaula State Park

To schedule a controlled burn, please contact McIntosh County Sheriff's at 918-689-2526
Dues are good Jan 1- Dec 31. Dues are typically sent out in November. Dues can be paid by mailing a check or clicking here.
We hold board meetings on teh 3rd Tuesay each month at 6:30pm.
We would love to hear from you.
Call Us 9184732062
Email Us faicfire@gmail.com
Stop by on 1st/3rd Tuesday during our meetings.
Absolutely not. We provide in-house training and send our recruits to the OSU State Fire Service Training. We also provide equipment. Apply to join here.